The Making of Ascension Lodge #89

The history of Ascension Lodge 89 starts in 2014 as the brainchild of Worshipful Brother Harley Goodson, a Past Master at the time of Apache Lodge in Mesa, AZ. Brother Harley is a visionary and artist, by hobby and by trade, having ran his tattoo shop in Tempe, AZ for decades; this drive to create something unique ultimately came to fruition in the egregore of what eventually became Ascension Lodge.
The project was born of a want for something more meaningful in Masonry, a want that united the founding members of the lodge, as opposed to the geographical considerations that lead to the formation of most lodges. After one failed attempt at a chartering in 2016, dispensation was granted to Ascension Lodge by Most Worshipful Grand Master (at the time) Scott Thomas to meet and work again towards a full charter.
By the early months of 2018, Ascension Lodge was meeting regularly at several of the members’ offices and the Masonic temple off of 345 W Monroe in downtown Phoenix was confirmed as its official address. Ascension Lodge was finally chartered in June of 2018 at Grand Communication under Most Worshipful Grand Master Craig Grosse, with the following founding members: Harley Goodson as Worshipful Master, Micah Wimmer as Senior Warden, Joey Boyer as Junior Warden, Trey Vineyard as Secretary, Tom Murray as Treasurer, Jacob Trayer as Senior Deacon, Shobeir Seddington as Junior Deacon, Daniel Schwiebert as Senior Steward, Ron Richards as Junior Steward, James Callahan as Marshall, Eric Hannah as Tyler, Jaime Lamb as Organist, Dan Hawkins as Chaplain, with other charter members Chris Emerson and Arno Warnke.