FAQ: Visiting Masons

Planning a visit to Ascension 89? Here’s what you need to know.

How do I Visit?

Our statated meetings are open to Free & Acepted Master Masons with a current dues cards. Be prepared to answer the neccessary questions.

Fellowcraft and Entered Apprentice Masons are welcome to attend with a Master Mason escort from their lodges when we are opening on their degree level. Contact the lodge secretary to find out what we will be opening on.

Please contact the lodge secretary with any questions.

When and Where do you Meet?

Ascension Lodge #89 holds our stated meeting on the third Monday of every month at the #2 Masonic Temple in Downtown Phoenix located at 345 W. Monroe Street. The doors are usully open by 5:45 and lodge starts at 6:30 sharp.

We are dark in July, August and December.

Check our Events Calendar for up-to-date times.


What's the Dress Code

In order to observe the solemnity of our ritual we ask all visiting brothers to wear a dark suit or tuxedo when visiting our stated meetings.

Ascension Loge #89 Logo

Contact the Lodge Secretary

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FAQ for Non-Masons

What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is a fraternity of men who share a belief in certain core values, including Brotherhood, Relief, and Truth. It is a society of men who meet to promote the moral and intellectual development of its members.

At it’s core, it is a system of moral and ethical teachings, passed down through a series of symbolic rituals and ceremonies. These teachings are intended to help men become better versions of themselves.

The fraternity of Freemasonry is built upon a series of degrees, which are conferred upon members as they progress through the organization. Each degree has its own set of teachings and symbolism, designed to impart specific wise and serious truths.

Freemasonry also emphasizes the importance of brotherhood and camaraderie among its members.

Is Freemasonry a Religion?

Freemasonry is not a religion, nor is it a substitute for religion. Members are free to hold their own religious beliefs and are not required to adhere to any particular faith or doctrine. Rather, Freemasonry is a system of moral and ethical teachings compatible with many religious and philosophical traditions.

How do I Become a Freemason at Ascension Lodge 89?

Contact our secretary to find out about lodge events that are open to the public.



How do I find a Freemason Lodge to join?

Each lodge of Freemasons has it’s own personality. Some are focused on performing great ritual and Masonic education. Others are focused on charity and giving back to the community. Some hold meetings at night while a few “daylight” lodges hold meetings in the middle of the day. It is up to the seeker to visit a few lodges and find the right fit.

The best plact to start is the Arizona Grand Lodge website. All Masonic lodges in Arizona are under their jurisdiction. They have a search tool that makes it easy to search my city. They also have a map showing all the different lodges in Arizona.

The Arizona Grand Lodge also has a section of their website dedicated to common questions about Freemasonry.

For general questions about Freemasonry in Arizona you can reach out to the Grand Lodge Secretary at: azgnd_sec(at)azmasons.org